Maini’s Mind – An Overview

Maini’s Mind is a collection of articles on photography. There are techniques and suggestions to improve photography, occasional reviews, tips and tricks, as well as random thoughts on various aspects of photography.

The best way to browse my site is to visit the list of articles and click on whatever interests you. There are lots of interlinks within the articles and some recommended and related articles at the end. Follow the links and enjoy your time here.

A complete list of my writings is available here – Index of Articles


Recently Posted:

  • Understand the difference! - In this age of social media and endless scrolling, there are some things that need to be sorted out and explained. These are simple things, but any photographer will appreciate it if these differences are kept in mind while talking to a photographer. Nothing complicated, but just simple clarifications and the correct terms. ( An […]
  • Winds of Change - It has been said, ‘Change is the only Constant’. Things change, for better or for worse. This is just a summary of my observations regarding the change around me in the last few months. (Trishul Peak on a clear morning, after rains)
  • Stuck in One Place? - Over the last few years, I seem to have been stuck in one place. First, it was the pandemic, then my financials suffered, then some ongoing work. I am unable to travel to some nice exotic destination and enjoy some photography. (Macro photography can be enjoyed at home, even with the smallest of gardens. No […]
  • Forest Walk and The Fox - Living in the hills, close to the forest, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Wild animals keep visiting us. Hares having a field day in our vegetable garden, or wild boars digging out potatoes are a common occurrence. But, early morning walks in the forest when the tiny critters and small animals can be spotted, […]
  • Winter Wonderland - It has been snowing for the last few days. I am stuck indoors with nothing much to do. A fire is burning is downstairs but it seems inadequate in keeping me warm. I have a cup of hot chocolate with me, and my feet are resting on a hot water bottle. My fingers are feeling […]


A complete list of my writings is available here – Index of Articles


My articles are mostly my thoughts related to photography. They are greatly influenced by how I visualize images and photograph them. My writings are also based on what photographers usually ask me or what visitors to this site want me to write about. English is not my first language or mother-tongue but I write articles in this language so as to reach out to more and more people.

For me, photography is a medium of expression. A photographer is always a student and so am I. Everyday, I am learning new things, seeing the world in a different way. I will be happy to help anyone who wants to join me in this wonderful quest.

Dr. Shivam Maini
This is me. I am a photographer and a photography coach. I love creating photographs using whatever camera I can lay my hands on, and not necessarily an expensive one. Discussions related to photography always excite me.

Photography has been a love affair for me which has kept touching my life every now and then. I have started writing recently. If you like my articles, do keep checking back from time to time. If you want me to focus on any specific topic which I have not yet covered, get in touch with me. I take time out to read each and every message that reaches me.

This is my profile on LinkedIn – Dr. Shivam Maini (LinkedIn).

If you want to contact me: Contact Form

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As pointed out earlier, once again I am directing you to my complete list of writings – Index of Articles

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